
Beckwith and Angela Fisher
Wodaabe man wraps a twelve-foot-long turban in preparation for the Yaake charm dance, Niger

Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher
Maasai Girls, Kenya, 1985

Carol Beckwith and Angela
Fisher Surma Girl, Ethiopia

Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher
Dogon Stilt Masks at Dusk, Mali

Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher
Turkana Woman with Beaded Collar, Kenya, 1986

Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher
Maasai Warror with Red Ochre Face Paint, Kenya

Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher
Himba bride is prepared for marriage by her mother wearing an ekori headdress, Namibia

Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher
Surma Stick Fighters, Ethiopia, 1987

Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher
Klama Dance of the Krobo Initiates, Ghana, 1992