Horst P. Horst
Roses with cast of Michaelangelo Hand, 1985

Horst P. Horst
Roses with Antique Head, 1985

Horst P. Horst
Marguerite and Day-Lily buds, 1985

Horst P. Horst

Horst P. Horst
Aqapanthus Anemonoe Japonica, Zinnia, 1985

Horst P. Horst

Horst P. Horst
Roses with Clouds

Horst P. Horst
Shirley Poppies, Queen Annes Lace Centaurea,

Horst P. Horst
Roses, Giacometti Vase, 1985

Horst P. Horst
Day-Lily and Coreopsis

Horst P. Horst
Caladium and Hosta Leaves, 1985

Horst P. Horst
Dahlias, 1985

Horst P. Horst
Datura, 1985

Installation View

Installation View
