
Horst P. Horst
Hybiscus Platycum, c. 1985
#horst #flowers #color #stilllife #hybiscus #1985

Horst P. Horst
Marigolds, Impatiens, & Violets, c. 1985
#horst #flowers #color #stilllife #Marigolds #1985 #ImpatiensandViolets

Horst P. Horst
Agapanthus, Anemonoe Japonica, Zinnia, c. 1985
#horst #flowers #color #stilllife #Agapanthus #Anemonoe #Japonica #Zinnia #1985

Horst P. Horst
Datura (Trumpet Flower), c. 1985
#horst #flowers #color #stilllife #Datura #TrumpetFlower #1985

Horst P. Horst
Caladium and Hosta Leaves, c. 1985
#horst #flowers #color #stilllife #Caladium #Hosta #Leaves #1985

Horst P. Horst
Strawberries in Blue Vase, c. 1985
#horst #Vase #Color #stilllife #Strawberries #Blue #1985

Horst P. Horst
Marguerite and Day Lily Buds, c. 1985
#horst #flowers #color #stilllife #marguerite #day #lily #buds #1985

Horst P. Horst
Dahlia, Zinnia & Fall Krokus, c. 1985
#horst #flowers #color #stilllife #dahlia #zinnia #fall #krokus #1985

Horst P. Horst
Coreopsis, c. 1985
#horst #flowers #color #stilllife #coreopsis #1985 #sculpture #yellow

Horst P. Horst
Three Roses, c. 1985
#horst #flowers #color #stilllife #Three #roses #red #1985

Horst P. Horst
Sunflower, Roses, and Poppies, c. 1985
#horst #flowers #color #stilllife #sunflower #roses #poppies #1985

Horst P. Horst
Dahlias, c. 1985
#horst #flowers #color #stilllife #Dahlias #1985

Horst P. Horst
Tulips, c. 1985
#horst #flowers #color #stilllife #tulips #1985

Horst P. Horst
Platycum, Betty Pryor Rose, and Queen Anne's Lace, circa 1985
#horst #flowers #color #stilllife #platycum #bettypryorrose #lace #1985

Horst P. Horst
Lotus, c. 1985
#horst #flowers #color #stilllife #lotus #blue #1985

Horst P. Horst
Roses with Antique Head, c. 1985
#horst #flowers #color #stilllife #roses #antiquehead #sculpture #1985

Horst P. Horst
Rose with Cast Of Michelangelo Hand, c. 1985
#horst #flowers #color #stilllife #rose #castofmichelangelohand #1985

Horst P. Horst
Hands, Hands..., New York, 1941
#horst #blackandwhite #Portraits #hands #NewYork #1941

Horst P. Horst
White Sleeve: Clothing and hat by Robert Piguet, Paris, 1936
#horst #blackandwhite #portraits #robertpiguet #clothes #hat #whitesleeve #paris #1936

Horst P. Horst
Helen Bennett in Spider Dress, New York, 1939
#horst #blackandwhite #portraits #dress #clothes #spiderdress #HelenBennett #NewYork #1939

Horst P. Horst
Mainbocher Corset, Paris, 1939
#horst #blackandwhite #portraits #Mainbocher #Corset #clothes #Paris #1939

Horst P. Horst
Round the Clock I, New York, 1987
#horst #blackandwhite #portraits #RoundtheClockI #clothes #NewYork #1987

Horst P. Horst
Male Nude (Hands Behind Buttocks), 1952
#horst #blackandwhite #portraits #Male #Nude #HandsBehindButtocks #1952

Horst P. Horst
Male Nude (Frontal), New York, 1952
#horst #blackandwhite #Male #Nude #Frontal #NewYork #1952

Horst P. Horst
Triangles: Male Nude, New York, 1952
#horst #blackandwhite #nude #male #triangles #NewYork #1952

Horst P. Horst
Male Nude, Back Study, New York, 1952
#horst #blackandwhite #Male #Nude #BackStudy #NewYork #1952

Horst P. Horst
Male Nude (Hand Behind Back), New York, 1952
#horst #blackandwhite #Male #Nude #HandBehindBack #NewYork #1952

Horst P. Horst
Noel Coward, Paris, 1936
#horst #blackandwhite #portraits #NoelCoward #Fashion #Paris #1936

Horst P. Horst
Luchino Visconti, Paris, 1937
#horst #blackandwhite #portraits #LuchinoVisconti #Fashion #Paris #1937

Horst P. Horst
The Bouvier Sisters: Jackie & Lee, New York, 1958
#horst #blackandwhite #portraits #TheBouvierSisters #Fashion #Jackie #Lee #NewYork #1958

Horst P. Horst
Coco Chanel, Paris, 1937
#horst #blackandwhite #portraits #CocoChanel #Fashion #Paris #1937

Horst P. Horst
Irving Penn, New York, 1951
#horst #blackandwhite #portraits #IrvingPenn #Fashion #NewYork #1951

Horst P. Horst
Marlene Dietrich, New York, 1942
#hollywood #horst #blackandwhite #portraits #MrleneDietrich #Fashion #NewYork #1942

Horst P. Horst
Costume Design by Salvador Dali for “Dream of Venus,” 1939
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #portraits #Costume #Design #SalvadorDali #DreamofVenus #Fashion #1939

Horst P. Horst
Yves Saint Laurent, Paris, 1958
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #portraits #Deisgn #Yves #Saint #Laurent #Fashion #Paris #1958

Horst P. Horst
Dali Costumes, Paris, 1939
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #portraits #Costume #Deisgn #SalvadorDali #Fashion #Paris #1939

Horst P. Horst
Lud in Chanel Dress, Paris, VOGUE, 1938
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #portraits #LudinChanelDress #chanel #Vogue #Deisgn #Fashion #1938

Horst P. Horst
Black Bodice, New York, 1948
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #portraits #BlackBodice #Deisgn #Fashion #NewYork #1948

Horst P. Horst
Waxed Beauty, New York, 1938
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #portraits #WaxedBeauty #Fashion #NewYork #1938

Horst P. Horst
Park Avenue Fashion, New York, 1962
#architecture #new #york #horstphorst #blackandwhite #portraits #ParkAvenue #Fashion #NewYork #1962

Horst P. Horst
Muriel Maxwell, New York, 1940
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #portraits #MurielMaxwell #NewYork #Fashion #1940

Horst P. Horst
Birthday Gloves, New York, 1948
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #portraits #BirthdayGloves #Gloves #Fashion #NewYork #1948

Horst P. Horst
Courreges Bathing Suit, Paris, 1978
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #portraits #CourregesBathingSuit #Paris #Fashion #1978

Horst P. Horst
Electric Beauty, Paris, 1939
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #portraits #ElectricBeauty #Paris #Fashion #1939

Horst P. Horst
House and Garden Cover, New York, 1951
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #portraits #HouseandGardenCover #NewYork #Fashion #1951

Horst P. Horst
Abode of Joy, The Ruins of Farahabad, Iran, 1949
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #landscapes #AbodeofJoy #TheRuindofFarahabad #Iran #1949

Horst P. Horst
Pollard Willow, Tehran, Iran, 1949
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #PollardWillow #Tehran #Iran #1949

Horst P. Horst
Papaver Orientale (Oriental Poppy), 1945
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #PapaverOrientale #OrietalPoppy #Stillife #flower #1945

Horst P. Horst
Nautilus Pompileus, 1945
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #portraits #Stilllife #Nautilus #Pompileus #1945

Horst P. Horst
Surreal Beauty Cream, New York, 1941
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #Surreal #Beauty #Cream #StillLife #NewYork #1941

Horst P. Horst
Still Life, Houden, Hoop, 1937
#horstphorst #StillLife #Sculpture #BlackandWhite #Hoop #1937

Horst P. Horst
Classical Bust with Orchids, 1988
#horstphorst #blackandwhite #Classical #bust #Orchids #StillLife #1988

Horst P. Horst
Tulip with Anthurium, Oyster Bay, New York, 1989
#horstphorst #tulip #Anthurium #OysterBay #NewYork #1989

Horst P. Horst
Classical Music Still Life, Oyster Bay, New York, 1989
#horstphorst #Classical #Music #StillLife #OysterBay #NewYork #1989

Horst P. Horst
End of the Party, Rome, 1951
#horstphorst #End #of #The #Party #Rome #Urban #Chairs #Rome #1951

Photographer Unknown
George Hoyningen-Huene and three others in water, 1950s
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #Water #people #1950s

Photographer Unknown
George Hoyningen-Huene with a photography class, California, 1950s
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #Photography #Class #people #California #1950s

George Hoyningen-Huene
Divers, Paris, 1930
#beach #GeorgehoyningenHuene #Divers #Water #people #Paris #1930

George Hoyningen-Huene
Sudanese Nude, circa 1937
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #Sudanese #Nude #Circa #BlackandWhite #people #1937

George Hoyningen-Huene
Josephine Baker, 1929
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #JosephineBaker #BlackandWhite #people #1929

George Hoyningen-Huene
Johnny Weissmuller, 1930
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #JohnnyWeissmuller #BlackandWhite #portrait #people #1930

George Hoyningen-Huene
Swimwear by Patou, Molyneux, and Yrande, 1930
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #Swimwear #Patou #Molyneux #Yrande #Beach #BlackandWhite #portrait #people #1930

George Honyingen-Huene
Horst Torso, Paris, 1931
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #horst #Torso #BlackandWhite #portrait #people #Paris #1931

George Hoyningen-Huene
Lelong Beachwear with Horst and models, 1929
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #Lelong #Beachwear #Horst #Models #BlackandWhite #portrait #people #1929

George Hoyningen-Huene
Alicia in Swimwear by Patou, 1928
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #Alicia #Swimwear #Patou #BlackandWhite #portrait #people #1928

George Hoyningen-Huene
Toto Koopman, 1934
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #TotoKoopman #BlackandWhite #portrait #people #1934

George Hoyningen-Huene
Jean Cocteau, 1930
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #JeanCocteau #BlackandWhite #portrait #people #1930

George Hoyningen-Huene
Art in Fashion: Model in Balenciaga in front of painting by Miro, photographed in Helena Rubenstein's Paris Home, 1939
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #art #Fashion #Balenciagi #Miro #Painting #HelenaRubenstein #Paris #Home #BlackandWhite #portrait #people #1939

George Hoyningen-Huene
Katharine Hepburn, circa 1938
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #Katharinehepburn #BlackandWhite #portrait #people #1938

George Hoyningen-Huene
Beachwear by Schiaparelli, Bettina Jones, 1928
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #Beachwear #Schiaparelli #BettinaJones #BlackandWhite #portrait #people #1928

George Hoyningen-Huene
Miss E. Carise in Swimwear with Hula Hoop, Paris, 1930
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #MissECarise #swimwear #HulaHoop #Paris #BlackandWhite #portrait #people #1930

George Hoyningen-Huene
Toto Koopman in a dress by Augusta Bernard, Paris, 1933
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #TotoKoopman #Dress #AugustaBernard #Paris #BlackandWhite #portrait #people #1933

George Hoyningen-Huene
Horst as an ancient Greek horseman, Paris, 1932
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #Horst #Ancient #Greek #Horseman #Paris #BlackandWhite #portrait #people #1932

George Hoyningen-Huene
Reflection: Vogue's Eye View of the Mode (Mrs. Hubbell), 1930
#GeorgehoyningenHuene #Reflection #vogue #Eye #View #mode #MrsHubbell #BlackandWhite #portrait #people #1930

Horst P. Horst / George Hoyningen-Huene
Installation view
#horstphorst #GeorgeHoyningenHuene #InstallationView #Photographs #Show #Gallery

Horst P. Horst / George Hoyningen-Huene
Installation view
#horstphorst #GeorgeHoyningenHuene #InstallationView #Photographs #Show #Gallery

Horst P. Horst / George Hoyningen-Huene
Installation view
#horstphorst #GeorgeHoyningenHuene #InstallationView #Photographs #Show #Gallery

Horst P. Horst / George Hoyningen-Huene
Installation view
#horstphorst #GeorgeHoyningenHuene #InstallationView #Photographs #Show #Gallery

Horst P. Horst / George Hoyningen-Huene
Installation view
#horstphorst #GeorgeHoyningenHuene #InstallationView #Photographs #Show #Gallery

Horst P. Horst / George Hoyningen-Huene
Installation view
#horstphorst #GeorgeHoyningenHuene #InstallationView #Photographs #Show #Gallery

Horst P. Horst / George Hoyningen-Huene
Installation view
#horstphorst #GeorgeHoyningenHuene #InstallationView #Photographs #Show #Gallery

Horst P. Horst / George Hoyningen-Huene
Installation view
#horstphorst #GeorgeHoyningenHuene #InstallationView #Photographs #Show #Gallery

Horst P. Horst interview with Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel
Visions and Images: American Photographers on Photography, 1981