
Melvin Sokolsky
Lena Horne, Show Cover 1963
#show #cover #lenahorne #white #wall #woman #inthewall

Melvin Sokolsky
Tattoo Nude, New York, 1964
#nude #newyork #tattoo #color #flowers #haze

Melvin Sokolsky
Bed, The New York Times, September 2000
#bed #womem #thenewyorktimes #fallingwoman #window #sleep #dream

Melvin Sokolsky
Crash, The New York Times, September 2000
#woman #crash #stairs #fall #owl #clouds

Sokolsky Melvin
Surreal Pod, New York, 1964
#flower #woman #background #whitecoat #hat #leaning #whitewalls

Melvin Sokolsky
Roof, Harper's Bazaar, Paris 1963
#roof #bubble #lady #coat #womaninabubble

Melvin Sokolsky
Bubble Bois, Harper's Bazaar, 1963
#harpersbazaar #bubble #whitedress #trees #woods #snow

Melvin Sokolsky
Nena, Seaweed, Harper's Bazaar 1960
#harpersbazaar #maazine #sea #beach #seaweed #swimmingcap #woman #shore

Melvin Sokolsky
Surreal Snake, New York 1964
#snake #apple #woman #whiteroom #moon #pinkhat

Melvin Sokolsky
Le Chair, Paris 1963
#bubble #woman #paris #cafe #chair #people #children

Melvin Sokolsky
Climb Big Chair, New York 1963
#chair #white #twowomen #black #white

Melvin Sokolsky
Anka, Yoga Wheel, 1962
#yoga #wheel #newyorkcity #model #city #skyscrapers

Melvin Sokolsky
Surreal Rocket: Veronica and Shrimp, New York 1964
#rocket #women #room #surreal #redcoat

Melvin Sokolsky
Surreal Earl, New York 1964
#earl #surrea; #lady #whitehat #bluesuit #whiteroom #newyork

Melvin Sokolsky
Step Off, Isabella, New York 1960
#newyork #stairs #whiteroom #lady #reddress #steps

Melvin Sokolsky
Look Down, Harper's Bazaar, 1960
#harpersbazaar #leopard #pillows #lady #couch #whitedress

Melvin Sokolsky
Du Taxi, Harper's Bazaar, Paris 1963
#bubble #woman #harpersbazaar #maazine #crowd #dutaxi #paris

Melvin Sokolsky
School Window, Haper's Bazaar, Paris 1963
#school #window #children #bubble #lady #hat #harpersbazaar #paris

Melvin Sokolsky
Faces in Window, Harper's Bazaar, Paris 1963
#bubble #ladyinabubble #paris #harpersbazaar #family #inawindow

Melvin Sokolsky
Ali, Nipple, 1959
#lady #nipple #woman #fruit #eatiing #darkhair #portrait

Melvin Sokolsky
Light Strips, 1967
#light #strips #naked #woman #nude #bluewall

Melvin Sokolsky
Big Chair Lean, New York 1963
#chair #lady #tiny #red #newyork

Melvin Sokolsky
Fly Elephants, Dorothea McGowen, Harper's Bazzar 1965
#elephants #blurred #lady #flying #harpersbazaar

Melvin Sokolsky
Jump, Dorothea, 1963
#dinner #restaurant #jump #womanjumping #chandelier

Melvin Sokolsky
Lip Streaks, 1965
#lips #pink #lipstick #blue #neon #strikes #woman #portrait

Melvin Sokolsky
Orange Strings, 1961
#orange #suit #lady #greenhat #strings #marionette #gloves

Melvin Sokolsky
Paula Feiten, Stairs, New York, 1964
#stairs #black #plaid #suite #hat #newyork

Melvin Sokolsky
Mirror, The New York Times, September 2000
#mirror #thenewyorktimes #sand #mirror #lady #levitating

Melvin Sokolsky
Window, The New York Times, September 2000
#window #thenewyorktimes #twowomen #smiling #levitating

Melvin Sokolsky
Stairs, The New York Times, September 2000
#thenewyorktimes #stairs #woman #lavitating #stairs

Melvin Sokolsky
Beam, The New York Times, September 2000
#twowomen #thenewyorktimes #lihghtbeams #levitating

Melvin Sokolsky
Candle, The New York Times, September 2000
#thenewyorktimes #candle #two #women #intheair #flying #castle

Melvin Sokolsky
Parade, 1967
#parade #twiggy #masks #crowd #car #newyork

Melvin Sokolsky
Over New York, 1963
#newyork #bubble #woman #orangedress #water

Melvin Sokolsky
Le Dragon, 1963
#dragon #fire #bubble #woman #men #womaninabubble #paris

Melvin Sokolsky
Twiggy, FAO Schwartz, New York, 1967
#twigy #facemasks #owl #newyork #crowd

Melvin Sokolsky
Bois de Boulogne, 1963
#woods #trees #bubble #lady #womaninabubble

Melvin Sokolsky
On the Seine, 1963
#seine #river #paris #bubble #ladyinabubble #water

Melvin Sokolsky
Saint Germane Street, 1963
#paris #bubble #lady #whitedress #bicycle #street

Melvin Sokolsky
Twiggy. Face, 1967

Melvin Sokolsky
Twiggy, Bar, New York 1967
#twiggy #bar #twiggymasks #newyork