Nick Brandt
Giraffes Under Swirling Clouds, Amboseli, 2007

Nick Brandt
Elephant Drinking, Amboseli, 2007

Nick Brandt
Baboons in Profile, Amboseli, 2007

Nick Brandt
Wildebeest Arc, Masai Mara, 2006

Nick Brandt
Lion Before Storm II (Sitting Profile), Maasai Mara, 2006

Nick Brandt
Giraffes and Dust Devil, Amboseli, 2007

Nick Brandt
Cheetah and Cubs Lying on Rock, Serengeti, 2007

Nick Brandt
Giraffes with Migration Trail, Amboseli, 2007

Nick Brandt
Elephant Herds Crossing Lake Bed in Sun, Amboseli, 2007

Nick Brandt
Portrait of Lion Standing in Wind, Masai Mara, 2006

Nick Brandt
Giraffes in Evening Light, Masai Mara, 2006

Nick Brandt
Abandoned Ostrich Egg, Amboseli, 2007

Nick Brandt
Elephant with Tattered Ears, Amboseli, 2008

Nick Brandt
Lions Head to Head, Maasai Mara, 2008

Nick Brandt
Giraffes Battling in Forest, Maasai Mara, 2008

Nick Brandt
Buffalo with Lowered Head, Amboseli, 2007

Nick Brandt
Zebras Turning Heads, Ngorongoro Crater, 2005

Nick Brandt
Gorilla on Rock, Parc des Volcans, 2008

Nick Brandt
Portrait of Lioness Against Rock, Serengeti, 2007

Nick Brandt
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Nick Brandt
Exhibition View

Nick Brandt
Exhibition View

Nick Brandt
Exhibition Invitation